Friday 21 April 2017

The Technology.

Hi! Dear reader, today is the day for talking about something very important in our lives...the technology.
I was born in a very technological age; in 1996 there were already computers, telephones, radios, televisions, microwave ovens, etc, and as the years pass the technology is evolving more and more, but between all the pieces my favourite is my beautiful Smartphone because it is very comfortable in many ways! It is small, and has many functions. In my smartphone I have many important things for me;   My contacts, music, movies, even books, and of course many photos of my family, friends, and pets.

Selfie with my friends 

I usually use my smartphone for everything, to talk to my family, my friends, to take pictures of everything around me (also Selfies! jeje)  and publish them in my social networks like Instagram or Facebook, I even study with it, and I can get anywhere thanks to its application "maps"! It´s so magic what my smartphone can do!

The first time I had a smartphone was in 2012, back then I did not use it too much, just to listen to music and play games (I was a little girl!), but now (in the university) I use my smartphone many times in the day especially to communicate with my classmates, or to read some information of "U-cursos". 
I really like the smartphone because it organizes my life in many ways and even amuses me with the social networks and youtube, but that does not mean that I can not live without it. yes! It is important but the most important thing is the relationship you have with people without the need for technology, everything else is not really necessary. If our ancestors could survive without smartphones, televisions, radios, or microwaves, I'm sure we will too.

Hugs and kisses <3

1 comment:

  1. the cell phone is so important in our lifes!I love this photo!
