Friday 28 April 2017

Giving your opinions

  • ·         What is your opinion about smart phones?

In my opinion the smartphones is the best invention of the world because has many functions and organizes my life in many ways, but although I use it a lot this is not really necessary… there are more important things in this life.
  • ·         What is your opinion about women in the military?

I think the woman can work in any area, including in the militia since in these times it has been shown that women are not only mothers but much more!.
  • ·         What is your opinion about the Chilean politicians?

I´m pretty sure that the Chilean politicians could do their job much better. For me, they only care about money nothing else.
  • ·         What is your opinion about violence on television?

In my opinion the violence on television should not be allowed mainly by children because violence generates more violence.
  • ·         What is your opinion about fortune telling?

I'm pretty sure that the "future telling" doesn't really exist, for me is a divination game which takes advantage of people's anxiety.
  • ·         What is your opinion about soap operas on Chilean TV?

In my opinion soup operas on Chilean TV are very bored and stupids, because they do not show the Chilean reality, and also deride Chilean families.
  • ·         What is your opinion about legalizing marijuana?

I think they should legalize marijuana because it would help some sick people and would also reduce drug trafficking.
  • ·         What is your opinion about  climate change?

I´m pretty sure that the climate change is caused only by humans, product of the ambition of the wealthiest people, and the ignorance of the poorer classes.
  • ·         What is your opinion about cloning?

I agree with cloning (at the cellular level), as long as it is for the benefit of living beings, but not for cloning humans, because it would not be natural and I do not like that.!!
  • ·         What is your opinion about recycling?

In my opinion recycle, is an action that connects us with the planet, and would protect future generations. In these times, it is absolutely necessary to take the habit of recycling, so we can clean our planet from the pollution it suffers.
  • ·         What is your opinion about “barras bravas”?

I think that "barras bravas" should be eliminated, because they have only caused damages to public spaces, causing that the families no longer attend the stadiums due to the violence. It's not bad to be fanatic, but with responsibility!
  • ·         What is your opinion about legalizing abortion in some cases?

In my opinion the abortion is a decision that must be made by the woman, no matter what the cases. Is the body of the woman, no one else´s.  In my opinion the abortion is a decision that must be made by the woman, no matter what the cases, because is the body of the woman and no one else's. We all have the right to do whatever we want with our body. Is our decisions!!

Friday 21 April 2017

The Technology.

Hi! Dear reader, today is the day for talking about something very important in our lives...the technology.
I was born in a very technological age; in 1996 there were already computers, telephones, radios, televisions, microwave ovens, etc, and as the years pass the technology is evolving more and more, but between all the pieces my favourite is my beautiful Smartphone because it is very comfortable in many ways! It is small, and has many functions. In my smartphone I have many important things for me;   My contacts, music, movies, even books, and of course many photos of my family, friends, and pets.

Selfie with my friends 

I usually use my smartphone for everything, to talk to my family, my friends, to take pictures of everything around me (also Selfies! jeje)  and publish them in my social networks like Instagram or Facebook, I even study with it, and I can get anywhere thanks to its application "maps"! It´s so magic what my smartphone can do!

The first time I had a smartphone was in 2012, back then I did not use it too much, just to listen to music and play games (I was a little girl!), but now (in the university) I use my smartphone many times in the day especially to communicate with my classmates, or to read some information of "U-cursos". 
I really like the smartphone because it organizes my life in many ways and even amuses me with the social networks and youtube, but that does not mean that I can not live without it. yes! It is important but the most important thing is the relationship you have with people without the need for technology, everything else is not really necessary. If our ancestors could survive without smartphones, televisions, radios, or microwaves, I'm sure we will too.

Hugs and kisses <3

Thursday 13 April 2017

My student Life

When I was a Child (in the primary school), I always wanted to be a doctor because I could help people and I loved the biology, and also I wanted to be a musician, even I had classes of piano. Later I decided that music would only be a hobbie.
In the high school I was still loved biology, so that I continued with the idea of studying medicine, but my teacher of chemistry was so good that made me fall in love of chemistry, and I thought of studing degree in chemistry.
In the summer of 2013 I realized a course of microbiology in the University of Chile, and this made me change my decision to study medicine, now I loved the world of microbiology, so that I thought study biochemistry, but the job is very reduced.
Then, when I ending the high school, I took a year to choose a career, because I was very confused, and also to prepare the PSU.
In the Preuniversity institution I decided study chemistry and pharmacy in the university of Chile or University of Santiago, that career was my only choice because it contained everything I liked.

And Well ... Now I study chemistry and pharmacy in the university of chile (yes! I did it!). Here, I have met the best people in the world ... my beautiful friends, they make my days more fun. The university is terrifying and stressful  experience, but I love what I study and I have a great time.
Finally, when I finish my studies I want to work in a laboratory in the investigation area or in a clinical pharmacy.
That is all...If you read this, tell me what you study and if you enjoy it!

Hugs and kisses <3.

Thursday 6 April 2017

Getting to know each other...

My name is Viviana Abarca Acuña I`m born in Santiago, Chile and I`m the only child of my parents, but, fortunately my family on my mother`s side is very big. I have 7 uncles and 17 cousin. My grandmother is the queen of the family, she is 89 years a very wise woman. I`m the youngest granddaughter and of course I`m the favorite. 

I studied in my childhood and adolescence in two school: Marques de Ovando and San Cristobal College, and now, with 20 years old, I study chemistry and pharmacy in the university of Chile, where I have many friends.  The university is a terrifying but very fun experiences, if you reading this you not scared, you will have a lot of fun, so enjoy it.

I love doing many thing like play the piano, watching Games of Thrones with my family, out with my friends and above all read novels, right now i'm reading "the longest ride"by Nicholas Sparks, one of my favourite authors.

And that is all about me. Remember to love your family, your boyfriend, your friends, and above all things love to smile... because, I do and you?