Friday 5 July 2019

My opinion

Hi people, today I am going to write about my opinions on diverse topics like the legalization of abortion in the 3 cases, the women in the military, the climate change, and the recycling.

The feminism is a topic that has been very relevant in recent years, and I consider myself part of this great cause so I am totally in favor of the woman deciding on her body and her life.

So what is my opinion about the legalization of abortion in the 3 cases?

Well, with the above, I think my opinion about this issue is quite clear, the women have every right to decide about their own body at all times, not only when is one of these 3 causes, if she does not want to be a mother and abort, she can do it without consulting anyone, just as a father does not ask if he can give in adoption or simply leave his son, the women does not have to either. If the women decides that she can not raise that child or just does not want to have it, in my opinion It is better to abort than to bring that child into the world in which he will only suffer in a children´s home.

And What is my opinion about women in the military? Just as women can decide on her body, so can she do with her career or her profession. We are no longer in the age of the caverns and women can perfectly be in the militia and defend her country like any other man.

On the other hand, another very important topic is the climate change, in my opinion this is caused only by humans, because to the ambition of the people with more money and their big factories that only pollute, and also the little education and culture of the people has made the poles melt nowadays, the lakes dry up, and we have tons of garbage in places that could be full of vegetation, and a great way to counteract this climate change is with recycling, if Chile had laws where people were forced to recycle, as in korea, Santiago would not be so contaminated and people would not get so sick. I hope that one day this may happen, if not all of us will die in a couple years because the planet became bored with human beings and its capacity to destroy everything it touches.


  1. Nothing more certain than your opinion about Santiago with climate change, but also we're far away from being like Korea

  2. Women can decide about their lives because they are theirs, that's certain!
    I really loved the last line by the way

  3. Totally agree on everything! Safe and free abortion!
    I really hope that the world and our country someday (hopefully soon) will be aware of the climate change and its effects.
