Friday 26 July 2019

My experience

Hello people, Today I am going to talk about my experiences in English IV, this is very important today because is the last post!

Resultado de imagen para englishI remember my first post in English III and I very scared because my English is not very good, especially my “written English” and then I thought “what am I going to write about”? But when the day came to write the first post, it was not as terrible as I thought, and to this day in English IV I like to write in the blogs because is very fun write about topics that I like, for example, books, movies, my concerts, or sciences.  For the other hand I did not like making the videos because I didn´t remember what I had to say so I had to records it many times and  lost a lot of time on that L but it has also helped me to disinhibit myself more with English, as well as with oral interaction (although I would like it not to be evaluated jejeje) and in the exam we will see what happens (I hope everyone who who reads this post will do very well J )
Resultado de imagen para blogs 
This experience has served me a lot, since my “written English” has improved a lot and now I can speak it better than before (yeeeii J ), but I would like to take a course later to improve even more, since in a scientific career it is totally necessary.

In general I don´t use English much, only when I have to watch a recently released series or for the paper in my subject the pharmacology of systems I,but I would like to use it more, like talking to other people to practice more and stop being so afraid of English.

Finally, it was a nice experience, meet new people, I laughed, in general I enjoyed it a lot!

That is all! See you <3   

Friday 12 July 2019


Hi people, today I am going to write about the changes I would like to make in the program of my career or in my university in general.

As I have told you before, I am study chemistry and pharmacy in the University of Chile and even though it is one on of the best universities in the country, it still lacks several things, for example, in my faculty many closed spaced are missing, renew certain laboratories (but I still love it because it gives a special touch), maybe renew some equipment to be more updated with today is technology, but above all the university needs to think more in the mental health of their students.

Being one of the best universities in the country, it has to keep a prestige, so the workload is very high, affecting the yield of students. As a fourth-year student I feel that there are many subjects that are not necessary for the career, for example, “calculo” or “OPU” or “fisicoquimica”, in general, the first two years of this career have subject that we will never apply in our profession, so it would remove the to relieve a little more the load and also the duration of the race would be less.

But in spite of these things, the university also has positive things, like its rooms, where they are well equipped with good technology where the teachers can project their classes. The laboratories are old (in Ceruti, because “tottus” jejej es more current) but they have everything that is needed, they have both old and new equipment, everything depends on the subject or the teacher and their area, but I think there will come a time where they will have to renew certain things so that students in the working world do not encounter something so different, it is probably when I am not there anymore, but the important thing is to be done so as not to be outdated.
Resultado de imagen para facultad de ciencias quimica universidad de chile

Friday 5 July 2019

My opinion

Hi people, today I am going to write about my opinions on diverse topics like the legalization of abortion in the 3 cases, the women in the military, the climate change, and the recycling.

The feminism is a topic that has been very relevant in recent years, and I consider myself part of this great cause so I am totally in favor of the woman deciding on her body and her life.

So what is my opinion about the legalization of abortion in the 3 cases?

Well, with the above, I think my opinion about this issue is quite clear, the women have every right to decide about their own body at all times, not only when is one of these 3 causes, if she does not want to be a mother and abort, she can do it without consulting anyone, just as a father does not ask if he can give in adoption or simply leave his son, the women does not have to either. If the women decides that she can not raise that child or just does not want to have it, in my opinion It is better to abort than to bring that child into the world in which he will only suffer in a children´s home.

And What is my opinion about women in the military? Just as women can decide on her body, so can she do with her career or her profession. We are no longer in the age of the caverns and women can perfectly be in the militia and defend her country like any other man.

On the other hand, another very important topic is the climate change, in my opinion this is caused only by humans, because to the ambition of the people with more money and their big factories that only pollute, and also the little education and culture of the people has made the poles melt nowadays, the lakes dry up, and we have tons of garbage in places that could be full of vegetation, and a great way to counteract this climate change is with recycling, if Chile had laws where people were forced to recycle, as in korea, Santiago would not be so contaminated and people would not get so sick. I hope that one day this may happen, if not all of us will die in a couple years because the planet became bored with human beings and its capacity to destroy everything it touches.