Friday 28 June 2019


Hi people, today I am going to write about the epilepsy a disease of the central nervous system, a topic that we have studied in the class of “pharmacology of systems I” and I think this topic is very interesting because the epilepsy is the fourth most common neurological disorder and affects people of all ages, also in chile one in every hundred people have this disease.

Resultado de imagen para epilepsyThe Epilepsy is a chronic disorder, characterized by critical episodes called epileptic crises (unprovoked seizures).  A person is diagnosed with epilepsy if they have two unprovoked seizures (or one unprovoked seizure with the likelihood of more) that were not caused by some known and reversible medical condition like alcohol withdrawal or extremely low blood sugar. The seizures in epilepsy may be related to a brain injury or a family tendency, but often the cause is completely unknown.

Resultado de imagen para epilepsyThere are two types of epilepsy, the “petit mal seizures” which is characterized by a crisis of absence where there is no loss of consciousness, and the “grand mal seizures” which is the seizure as such, and is very limiting for the person since he cannot lead a normal life.  
There are different first, second, and third generation drugs that help treat this disease, one of the most important is Lamotrigine, because it is the only drug used in pregnant women, since treatment during pregnancy cannot be suspended because the seizures can bring serious consequences to the baby

I have lived this disease very closely, since my brother Valentin suffered from epilepsy when he was a child throughout his life he only had two crises and thanks to his constant treatment, his good nutrition, and exercise at age 17 was discharged.

Friday 21 June 2019

Post Graduate Studies

Hi people! today I am going to write about my post graduate studies.

Even tough I have not finished my studies, chemistry and farmacy, (and I have still plenty left), I am very clear that I want to continue studying, in part because it's something that my proffesion usually demands and also everybody wants to, and part because there's a lot of choices given to us, either by studying in my country or abroad (trough scolarships).

Resultado de imagen para farmacia clinicaI want to start with a diplomat in clinical farmacy because it's one of the many areas I like the most, this one I would like to do it in the Universidad de Chile, since its program is very good and complete, besides its disponibility allows me to work in order to pay my studies since it's in the evening for 3 years. It has subjects like cardiologĂ˝, infectious diseases, oncology, geriatry, etc., that I think will allow me to become a better profesional in the clinic area.

On the other hand, I would like to take a postgraduate in Spain, because it has very well evaluated in my professional area, and also because it would make a good choice for making not only academic experiencies but also personal.

Another good choice is doing a postgraduate that allows for courses online and some in person, because if I'm working my time will be very limited plus the stress of it all... is too much.

But the most important thing I want to do before I do all of this, is take a break from studying, save money and travel, just to enjoy myself a little before I start studying again. 

Friday 14 June 2019

My Future Job

Hello people, today I going to write you about my future Job. 

I´m study chemistry and pharmacy and with this career I have many opportunities to a find a job in a different areas, it can be in a pharmacy, investigation, assistance, laboratory, and clinic. Each of these areas has something that I like, but, the ones that I like the most are laboratory and clinic.
I like the clinical area because I can directly help the people, I can work with doctors to decide the best therapy for the patient and I think that by interacting with patients, and following their treatment directly, I can bring both my humanity and my profession, something that often falls far in the area of health.

Resultado de imagen para laboratorios farmaceuticosOn the other hand, I like the laboratory area, just thinking about this I smile, because, I imagine trying to find the cure for the cancer or HIV, or for any of the thousands of diseases that are. But for this I need the postgraduate in both clinical and laboratory, so I probably after the finishing my career I study again to specialize in one of these two areas, and I would love to study outside the country.
in both jobs the salary is good, is approximately over a one million (it is probably more but I´m not sure), what will allow me to travel or study, and also I would like to be able to work in the open air but for safety reason it is obviously not possible, so, in my free time I will have to do outdoor activities to compensate for the confinement of a laboratory or clinic/hospital. 

Friday 7 June 2019

About Love, Pets and Friendship

Hi people, today I going to write you about my pets and my love for they.
Throughout my life I have had different pets, dogs, hamster, and birdie but the best is my current dog Facundo Pascal Matus and my nephew Bruno (my cousin Franco´s dog).

Facundo is a dog of pudul breed, he came to my house with 3 months, today he is 11 years old. At first it was a very tender dog, but with the passage of time and our bad upbringing it became a bad dog, he does not like people very much, and he also does not like to be caressed, then you can only caress him when he wants. In my family we joke saying that it is the reincarnation of Hitler because of how bad it is, but nobody imagines it because it has a very tender face. In spite of that we love him with all our hearts, he is a very smart dog that when someone is sick at home he warns, especially with my grandmother. 

The other puppy that occupies a special place in my heart is Bruno, My cousin´s dog. Every time my cousin goes on a trip, I take care of him. Bruno as well as Facundo, is a very smart dog, he knows how to sit down, give his leg and when you ask for a kiss he gives it to you, and Bruno is the only one who likes to play with my dog, they are great friends.